Northern AgriBusiness Breakfast Meeting – April 22, 2020

Synopsis AgriBusiness Breakfast Meetings have been held across southern and eastern Ontario for many years, and the virtual platform being used this year inspired the organization of a Northern AgriBusiness Breakfast Meeting. Representatives called in from Rainy River, Thunder Bay, Algoma, Manitoulin, Greater Sudbury, Nipissing, Temiskaming and Cochrane districts. This meeting summary includes crop-specific notes, […]

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Cobourg + Winchester Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting – April 15, 2020

April 15th, 2020 Overall conditions This spring is starting out with generally favourable weather, particularly when compared with last year. The winter months were also less harsh, resulting in fewer issues with winterkill in forages and winter cereals. Heavy rains and subsequent cold temperatures in the last few weeks have resulted in some kill in […]

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Ridgetown-Simcoe Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting Minutes – April 7, 2020

07 April 2020, 8:00 am Due to COVID restrictions, ag breakfast meetings will be paired and held virtually by video conference on the “zoom” platform in 2020. The first 2020 Ridgetown-Simcoe virtual ag breakfast meeting was held April 7 with about 60 participants. Supply Chain: Given COVID restrictions, majority of communication with growers this spring has been by […]

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Provincial Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting Minutes – March 27, 2020

27 March 2020, 9:00 am EDT (8:00 am CDT)  A virtual agricultural advisers’ breakfast meeting was held to test the “Zoom” platform as a means of continuing these valuable spring meetings under the current restrictions for face–to–face meetings. Based on results of the survey sent to attendees, breakfast meetings for 2020 will continue as consolidated regional meetings. Start dates and groupings as follows:  Tuesday, April 7th: Ridgetown + […]

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Winchester Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting Minutes June 25th, 2019

Quote of the day: “That’s a really hot boom…” – discussing herbicide injury from incompletely cleaned spraying equipment. Sponsor: Thanks to Marc Maisonneuve (Brevant ) and Chris Olbach (Pioneer) for sponsoring the last breakfast meeting of the season! Conditions Crop Heat Unit (CHU) accumulation stands at 775 at the Ottawa Airport since May 1st, or […]

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