Should You Apply a Fungicide for Sclerotinia in Canola

This spring’s challenging planting conditions has resulted in quite a few of uneven canola stands with both reduced  populations and delayed emergence. This has  some growers weighing the merits of applying a fungicide this season.  Sclerotinia incidence varies greatly between fields and years thus making routine spraying of fungicide unprofitable. However when the risk of […]

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My Soybeans are Wilting

In Ontario there are many root/stem diseases which cause wilting symptoms in soybeans.  With the hot, dry conditions this year over much of the province some of these diseases such as stem canker, Fusarium wilt, charcoal rot have taken advantaged of the additional stress. Fusarium wilt or blight of soybeans can affect soybeans at any […]

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Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases in Ontario (Corn Disease Working Group)

The hot, dry weather conditions to date have not been very conducive to foliar leaf diseases across most of the province.  In most cases, besides high relative humidity, prolonged wet conditions on the leaves are necessary for infection but only under favourable temperatures (16-30oC).  What has started to show recently in the southwest are the […]

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Fungicides for Managing Wheat Foliar Diseases and Fuarium Head Blight

  There are many different diseases which are caused by various fungal pathogens that affect cereals in Ontario. The foliar diseases (powdery mildew, leaf rust, Septoria leaf spot, Septoria (Stagonospora) glume blotch and tan spot) and Fuarium Head Blight (FHB) can cause significant yield losses if not managed correctly.  Although these diseases occur in all […]

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Septoria Brown Spot in Soybean

Septoria Brown Spot in Soybeans Septoria Brown spot  is caused by the fungal pathogen Septoria glyines and under normal conditions, the disease does not cause major yield loss in Canada. Were yield losses have occurred in the past is when the soybean plants are under prolonged stress conditions. This can result in premature defoliation which […]

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Stem Canker in Soybean

The conditions this year have resulted in a number of soybean diseases starting early and northern stem canker is one such disease. In most years, stem canker symptoms become apparent later in the seasonafter flowering. This year stem canker started earlier with seedling damping off and early season wilting symptoms which is as stated above […]

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Management Tips for Dwarf Bunt

The following harvest and storage management tips for dwarf bunt infected fields can help increase sample quality: Cut high with the combine Wheat infected with dwarf bunt will be substantially shorter than healthy plants. Raising the header will reduce the amount of bunt balls harvested. Harvest below 15% Bunt balls and spores that are dry […]

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Sudden Death Syndrome in Soybeans

Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is most visible when the soybean crop enters the reproductive stages of development because most of the resources of the plant begin to shift from vegetative (leafs, stems, roots, etc) growth to producing and filling the pods. When this shift in resources occurs, the plant’s natural defense mechanisms are reduced (especially […]

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