Cashcropper App

Cashcropper allows you to compare the net profitability and fertility requirements for different crop rotations within a given field. This app is powered by over 30 years of data on crop yield responses to different rotations from trials conducted by the University of Guelph. The app uses default yield values provided by crop insurance records […]

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Pest Manager App

I often carry 5 or 6 scouting and management guides with me when walking fields to determining what pests are present and how to control them, if necessary. I find lugging these books around inconvenient and inefficient, especially when I leave the book I need in another vehicle or at home. The pest manager app was […]

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Frost Damaged Alfalfa

There was an early break in alfalfa dormancy in early- to mid-March. In some areas, significant alfalfa growth (up to 6 – 8 inches or more) was frost damaged when colder  temperatures returned on March 30th (-7°C or colder). Damage was most severe in south­-western Ontario, on good healthy stands with early, aggressive growth. Ironically, […]

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Alfalfa Winter Injury

By early to mid April, the base of healthy alfalfa plants will have firm buds and numerous new green shoots with 2 to 5 inches (5 to 13 cm) of growth.  Damaged plants, on the other hand, will show no or minimal green-up.  Digging up plants and cutting the root open lengthwise is helpful in […]

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