Ontario Corn Nitrogen Calculator

The Ontario Corn Nitrogen Calculator can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net) Simple Summary The Corn Nitrogen Calculator Ontario Corn Nitrogen recommendations are derived from the Ontario corn nitrogen database which contains over 40 years of Ontario corn nitrogen yield response data. Current recommendations were […]

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Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid Tool

The Ontario corn replant decision aid can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net) Simple Summary Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid Tool If you’ve had stand issues following planting corn, you’ve maybe wondered whether the field should be left as-is or if there is an economic […]

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Ontario Corn Committee Hybrid Selector Tool

The Ontario corn committee hybrid selector tool can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net) Simple Summary Ontario Corn Committee Hybrid Selector Tool The Ontario corn committee hybrid selector tool allows head-to-head comparisons of up to 4 hybrids across years and locations where all selected hybrids […]

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Ontario Manure Nutrient Calculator

The Ontario manure nutrient calculator tool can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net) Simple Summary Ontario Manure Nutrient Calculator What is the nutrient value of the manure I plan to apply? How does time of year or timing of incorporation impact my manure nitrogen credit? […]

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Ontario Crop Residue Value Estimator

The Ontario crop residue value estimator tool can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net) Simple Summary Ontario Crop Residue Value Estimator Tool Crop residue contains nutrients. Removing crop residue from your farm removes those nutrients. If you are selling straw (or other crop residues) that […]

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NEW LINK for the Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network!

The Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network (GLMPMN) website has been upgraded and has a new permanent link: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7164d23d488246d198dcf7a07d8c9021 Please bookmark this new link and use it going forward to enter any trap sites and trap data. The same link should work well for both desktop browsers and mobile devices. Everything is still the […]

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2023 Ontario Grain Corn Ear Mould and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Mycotoxin Survey

OMAFRA field crop specialists in collaboration with Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) and members of the Ontario Agri-Business Association (OABA) have completed the annual Ontario corn ear mould and DON mycotoxin survey. Corn ear moulds such as Gibberella and their corresponding mycotoxins occur every year in Ontario. These mycotoxins, particularly deoxynivalenol (DON, also referred to […]

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2023 Thames Valley Soil and Crop Projects

Directors in the Thames Valley Soil and Crop Region (Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford) have lead an effort to produce larger, more consistent datasets for the on-farm soil and crop projects that are conducted locally each year. One part of this effort has been to post protocols for easier access and research consistency. Table 1 lists projects […]

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Investigating Fertilizer Placement and Safe Fertilizer Rates in Strip Till

Simple Summary there is limited guidance for safe fertilizer rates for strip till – unlike 2”x2” planter banding, there are many different fertilizer placement options in strip till there is likely some tradeoff with fertilizer placement in strip till – placement closer to the seed likely improves starter fertilizer effect and fertilizer efficiency, but likely […]

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2022 Ontario Grain Corn Ear Mould and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Mycotoxin Survey

Co-authored with Albert Tenuta, Field Crop Pathologist, OMAFRA. OMAFRA field crop specialists in collaboration with Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) and members of the Ontario Agri-Business Association (OABA) have completed the annual Ontario corn ear mould and DON mycotoxin survey. Corn ear moulds such as Gibberella and their corresponding mycotoxins occur every year in Ontario. […]

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Corn P and K Considerations when Fertilizer Prices are High

Simple Summary – Changes in fertilizer:corn price ratios (not fertilizer prices alone) change optimum P and K rates. Corn prices increasing with fertilizer prices can limit price ratio changes. – Significant price ratio changes are required to appreciably change optimum P and K rates. For instance, changing fertilizer:corn price ratio ($/lb-P:$/lb-corn) in a recent Ontario […]

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2021 Ontario Grain Corn Ear Mould and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Mycotoxin Survey

Co-authored with Albert Tenuta, Field Crop Pathologist, OMAFRA. OMAFRA field crop specialists in collaboration with Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) and members of the Ontario Agri-Business Association (OABA) have completed the annual Ontario corn ear mould and DON mycotoxin survey. Corn ear moulds such as Gibberella and their corresponding mycotoxins occur every year in Ontario. […]

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