Comparing Herbicide Programs in Identity Preserved (IP) Soybean

Co-Authors: Dr. Peter Sikkema, Dr. Clarence Swanton & Dr. François Tardif (University of Guelph) Field studies at Elora and Woodstock have evaluated soybean herbicide treatments based on their weed control efficacy and the yield protection they provided. Important differences were found among those treatments (Table 1). Table 1. Average visual control of broadleaf and grassy […]

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Monitoring Early Crop Development

Challenging planting conditions could affect crop emergence and early development. Additionally, a significant portion of the corn and soybean acreage was planted with limited opportunity for pre-emergence herbicide application. These factors will increase the importance of early crop scouting and staging to assess stands establishment and determine proper timing of post-emergence herbicide application. Stand Establishment […]

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Is This Brown Marmorated Stink Bug?

I am getting a lot of emails with photos from keen reps who think they have found Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB).  I think it is awesome that everyone is taking this pest seriously and keeping an eye out for it in the fields but they are quickly learning that there are many other stink […]

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Explaining poor weed control

The classic explanation of “too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too bad” surprisingly doesn’t cover all of the possible factors for why a herbicide doesn’t deliver 100% satisfaction. A recent field walk illustrated why physical obstruction and weed density are two factors that are every bit as influential as environmental conditions when it […]

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WBC Trap Catch Graphs

As mentioned yesterday, last week trap catches shot up significantly.  I’ve included a graph to show just how big of a flight we are experiencing this year compared to previous years. Ontario 2009 2010 2011 Averages I’ve also included an updated graph showing the counties that have been catching the highest average number moths per […]

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