Happy Holidays!

I want to thank my loyal followers for making 2010 such a successful year for the Baute Bug Blog.  I will have some pretty cool information on new pest research and management strategies to share that I recently learned about at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America.  I will write about that […]

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WBC – What We Learned in 2010

I am sure we will be talking about western bean cutworm all winter but there are a few key learnings that we gained in 2010 that I thought I would point out: 1.  The dark bands behind their heads that we use to identify the larvae are not obvious until their last few stages of […]

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Dry Bean Growers – Scout for WBC NOW!

These next two weeks are critical for western bean cutworm scouting and management in dry beans.  Peak moth flight took place at the end of July and pod feeding is typically expected 10 to 21 days after peak flight.  Huron County is particularly at risk given the very high moth count for that county this […]

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