It’s a Lepidoptera Summer!

The butterfly enthusiasts had a good spring this year with the early arrival of the red admiral butterfly and large flights of other species. Unfortunately for us, that also meant some pests also arrived in great numbers. Speaking of pests has anyone seen this caterpillar in soybeans? This is the larval stage of the painted […]

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Using Corn Damaged By Dry Weather For Silage

Dry weather during corn silking and pollination can significantly reduce grain yield expectations. Inadequate moisture can result in poor ear fill or even corn plants without any ear or grain. In extended dry weather situations, farmers can also face the immediate problem of providing adequate forage inventories to feed their livestock. Damaged corn crops with […]

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Impact of Dry Conditions on Soybeans

Horst Bohner, Soybean Specialist, OMAFRA, Stratford Albert Tenuta, Field Crop Plant Pathologsit, OMAFRA, Ridgetown Prolonged dry conditions can reduce soybean yield at any stage of development, but plants are more susceptible during germination and the reproductive growth stages. Dry soil conditions during germination will reduce plant stands. Severe moisture stress is evident by leaf wilting […]

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Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases in Ontario (Corn Disease Working Group)

The hot, dry weather conditions to date have not been very conducive to foliar leaf diseases across most of the province.  In most cases, besides high relative humidity, prolonged wet conditions on the leaves are necessary for infection but only under favourable temperatures (16-30oC).  What has started to show recently in the southwest are the […]

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Soybean Report – July 11, 2012

Soybean growth has been slow in those areas that missed the rains.  Fields are now at the R2 (full flower) growth stage.  Those areas that received adequate moisture are progressing well and are entering R3 (beginning pod).  Soybeans flower over an extended period of time so areas that have been negatively impacted from the lack […]

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Forage Report – July 11, 2012

Potato leafhoppers (PLH) are being reported at damaging levels in many areas across the province, including areas where they are not typically a problem. PLH dramatically reduces alfalfa yield and forage quality. Reduced stem and root growth, and vigour results in stunting and slow regrowth. New seedings are very susceptible and can be permanently damaged, […]

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Exeter Breakfast Meeting Minutes – Huron Research Station, June 26, 2012

Minutes taken by Dan Docking. Issues Raised. lack of alfalfa regrowth, fungicide on corn, cutworm, leaf hoppers on edible beans, armyworm spraying, yellowing of new growth in soys, adzukis, hail damage in corn – fungicide application and timing, soybean aphids, double cropping soybeans.  Alfalfa Regrowth Based on the tough, dry spring many alfalfa plants lack […]

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Forage Report – June 28, 2012

First-cut hay is being finished while second-cut haylage is complete on some dairy farms. With reduced yields and acres, hay inventories are limited in some areas and record high prices are being reported. There are still reports of armyworm, but it is declining. There were some reports of European skipper feeding damage to forage grasses, […]

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European Skipper Damage To Timothy

Wondering what critter ate your timothy this spring? In addition to armyworm, there was also some European skipper (Thymelicus lineola) damage to timothy and other forage grasses.  While it is typically fairly isolated, in 2012, the “year of the forage insect”, we had an unusually high number of reports. Damage and larvae were confused with […]

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