Pasture Report: May 2, 2012

Pasture growth continues to be modest with cool temperatures and limited moisture until this past week. For optimum pasture performance give the grasses and legumes an opportunity to produce a minimum of 10-12 cm of new growth before turning livestock into a paddock.  In an ideal situation each paddock provides one day’s forage for the […]

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Corn Report: May 2, 2012

Corn planting is 20-90% complete depending on the area of the province; provincially planting is estimated at 65%. Some of the early (i.e. April 5-15) planted corn had emerged and the cold temperatures of April 27, 28 & 29 froze the above ground tissue. However, to date, growing point and seed integrity remains high in […]

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Cereal Report: May 2, 2012

Freeze injury is a significant concern in the winter cereal crop with the very low temperatures of April 27/28/29.  Leaf damage is significant in most fields, but it is head damage that is critical.  Split stems in frost prone areas. Heads should be bright green to yellow. Discoloured or water soaked appearance of heads indicates […]

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Canola Report: May 2, 2012

Planting is 70 % complete in southern areas, and freezing overnight temperatures has kept most growers in northern areas out of the field. Cold temperatures are delaying emergence, with early planted canola taking 14-21 days to emerge. There have been several reports of low emergence and frost damage to very early planted canola. Begin to […]

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Exeter Agribusiness Breakfast Minutes, May 1, 2012

Included: Freeze injury, glyphosate  resistant weeds, weed control, wheat disease, soybean seeding rates. Synopsis: Extremely cold temperatures over the weekend caused widespread damage to fruit trees, etc. Temperatures as low as -8 C were measured with one report of -10 at ground level (Norfolk county).  Weekend low temperature maps are available at  Wheat, alfalfa […]

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Simcoe April 25, 2012 Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting Notes

Key messages: Ensure at least 2 modes of action are used in all herbicide applications as part of the resistance management strategy.  Where weed escapes from burndown treatments require additional glyphosphate, we need to send the message of combined modes of action as good weed management stewardship, even for in-crop applications.  With glyphosphate resistant fleabane […]

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Soybean Report: Week of April 23rd, 2012

A few fields of soybeans were planted in the province last week. Field conditions were excellent. Little seeding progress is expected this week with cool and wet conditions. Weather permitting it’s expected that considerable acreage will be seeded in the first week of May. This would be ideal for maximum yield potential. When planting soybeans this early do […]

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Forage Report – April 25, 2012

There is nothing worse than having cattle to feed and then being caught off guard by low forage yields due to winter injury. If you have not already done so, walk alfalfa fields and dig some plants to assess for winterkill, heaving, frost damage and plant health. Watch for crown and root rots, brownish disclouration, […]

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Palmerston Crop Consultants Minutes April 24th

Synopsis: The majority of spring cereals crop have been planted. Acres of spring cereals is higher with good planting conditions, potential returns, lower input costs.  Acres of seeded forage and nurse crops is 10-15% higher (Bill Brown). Emergence has been excellent. Advanced wheat wheat now pushing GS32-33, but in most fields, 1st node not visible. Corn […]

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