Keeping an eye out for Trochanter mealybugs in soybean

Author: Julia Mlynarek, Research Scientist – Field Entomology, AAFC-Harrow The Trochanter mealybugs Pseudococcus sorghiellus (Forbes) are small (at most 2mm), whitish, wax-covered insects that feed on plant roots (Fig. 1). Because of their size and life history, they are often overlooked but have been found in Southwestern Ontario. Trochanter mealybugs are part of a family […]

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Leafhopper Alert

Despite the wet weather, potato leafhoppers (PLH) are thriving in many areas of the province. Hopperburn is evident in the second crop of alfalfa, though dry bean fields are also at risk, especially once insecticide seed treatments are no longer present in the plants.  Unfortunately, once hopperburn is noticed, yield and quality has already been […]

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Alfalfa Weevil Alert

Some field scouts are finding alfalfa weevil above threshold in Niagara and Haldimand counties, though there are likely more fields in other counties at levels of concern.  Alfalfa weevil activity usually coincides with first cut but in some years when the crop is slower to develop, the weevil damage gets ahead, causing significant damage before […]

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