Forage Report – May 8, 2013

Alfalfa winterkill is particularly severe in the Ottawa Valley and New Liskeard areas. There are many options to consider for emergency forage, depending on the calendar date, urgency for short term feed, and forage yield and nutrient quality requirements. Refer to “Forage Options When Alfalfa Winterkill Strikes”  (  Forage supplies are extremely tight, and forage […]

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Forage Report – May 1, 2013

Scattered reports are coming in from across the province of alfalfa winterkill in some of the higher risk older stands and fall harvested stands. Extensive winterkill has occurred in eastern Ontario, from Arnprior south, east to Quebec and west to about Brockville. There  are reports of 75% winterkill in some of these areas, particularly on […]

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2012 Forage Crops Seasonal Summary

Forage production was extremely challenging in 2012, with low yields and tight forage inventories. Significant reductions in forage acres occurred from 2006 to 2011, of 500,000 acres of hay and 250,000 acres of pasture. Inventories of hay carried over in the spring were historically low.  Export demand for quality hay to the US is very […]

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Forage Report – August 23, 2012

Cutting Alfalfa This Fall? With reduced forage inventories, it will be very tempting to cut some alfalfa this fall. The decision and the immediate need for forage should be weighed against the increased risk of alfalfa winterkill. The Critical Fall Harvest Period for alfalfa is the 6-week rest period preceeding the average date of killing […]

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Forage Report – July 25, 2012

Dry weather has significantly reduced forage regrowth and second-cut yields.  Many farmers are examining options to increase their forage inventories, including using corn damaged by dry weather for silage. Seeding oats in late-July or early-August following wheat for an early-October harvest can be a useful low-cost option for extending forage supplies. Oats can make […]

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Forage Report – July 25, 2012

Dry weather has significantly reduced forage regrowth and second-cut yields.  Many farmers are examining options to increase their forage inventories, including using corn damaged by dry weather for silage. Seeding oats in late-July or early-August following wheat for an early-October harvest can be a useful low-cost option for extending forage supplies. Oats can make […]

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Forage Report – July 11, 2012

Potato leafhoppers (PLH) are being reported at damaging levels in many areas across the province, including areas where they are not typically a problem. PLH dramatically reduces alfalfa yield and forage quality. Reduced stem and root growth, and vigour results in stunting and slow regrowth. New seedings are very susceptible and can be permanently damaged, […]

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Forage Report – June 28, 2012

First-cut hay is being finished while second-cut haylage is complete on some dairy farms. With reduced yields and acres, hay inventories are limited in some areas and record high prices are being reported. There are still reports of armyworm, but it is declining. There were some reports of European skipper feeding damage to forage grasses, […]

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Forage Report – June 20, 2012

First-cut hay is still underway, while 2nd-cut is starting on early-cut fields. Armyworm is still being reported in hayfields at high levels in some hot spots in western Ontario. It is also reported in central and eastern Ontario, but not yet at severe levels.  Some is being sprayed, but most infested fields are being harvested. […]

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Forage Report – June 13, 2012

There are some “hot spots” with armyworm taking out hay fields, mostly south of the 401 in western Ontario (Niagara to Elgin County and surrounding areas) and up into Perth County. Grasses have been stripped of leaves with only stems and heads remaining. After fields are cut, armyworm feed on the windrow for a day […]

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Forage Report – June 6, 2012

First-cut yields are variable across the province, with below average yields in western Ontario. A combination of factors have contributed to low yields, including dry April and May weather, frost damage, cutting during last fall’s Critical Fall Harvest Period, saturated soils going into the winter, alfalfa disease, winterkill and stand thinning. Recent rains have helped […]

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Soybean Report – May 30, 2012

Soybean planting finished this week.  Stands are generally exceptional if seed was placed into moisture.  In some cases no-till drills were not able to penetrate properly especially on top of corn rows.  If the seed remains dry  it can remain in the soil for up to six weeks and still emerge once moisture arrives.  However, […]

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Pasture Report – May 30, 2012

Grass growth continues to be slow but maturity continues to advance.  Orchardgrass is headed and should be grazed immediately to maintain quality and stimulate new leaf development.  Moving livestock to new paddocks when they have grazed half of the available forage will assist in managing this early growth and set pastures for continued summer growth.  […]

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Corn Report – May 30, 2012

Corn development has been rapid this past week.  Some areas were close to accumulating 200 CHU in 7 days!  Good soil conditions and early planting are paying off as the corn continues to move ahead despite relatively dry conditions.  Some replanting has occurred where low population and uneven stands were caused by cold shock to […]

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