Phosphorus Loss Assessment using PLATO – AgriSuite’s newest calculator

manure being applied prior to corn planting in 2020

Introducing….to your mobile device or computer, the newest in a series of on-line calculators. The phosphorus loss assessment tool for Ontario, nicknamed PLATO, will help determine the risk of phosphorus (P) loss from nutrient applications at a field scale.PLATO takes both field characteristics, such as erosion risk and soil test level, as well as P […]

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Same Manure Pile, Different Platform

Introducing….to your mobile device or computer, the first of several on-line AgriSuite calculators that will help with agronomic and environmental land use decisions. The nutrient management software (commonly known as AgriSuite, which includes NMAN and MSTOR) has been available to Ontario Farmers for many years. Although popular, it is perceived to be mainly a regulatory […]

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Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can seriously impact crop yield. Certain deficiencies are seen every year in Ontario field crops, such as nitrogen deficiency in corn and manganese deficiency in soybeans. Others are brought on or made worse by environmental conditions – for example, potassium deficiency in soybeans and boron deficiency in alfalfa (Figure 1) during dry spells. […]

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Phosphorus and Potassium Management for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat

Crop yields have increased significantly since fertility recommendations were developed in Ontario. Crop nutrient uptake and grain nutrient removal have increased proportionately.  A study was initiated in 2011 with funding from the Grain Farmers of Ontario to evaluate a corn-soybean-wheat rotation on four sites with relatively low soil test P and K levels.  Areas within […]

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