Putting the economics to a three-crop rotation in Ontario: Wheat improves corn and soybean yields and returns

overhead view of small research plots

Co-authored with Ken Janovicek and Dr. Dave Hooker, University of Guelph Highlights By now, you’ve likely heard the message from the long-term rotation trials at Ridgetown and Elora: winter wheat in rotation improves corn and soybean yields. But with greater revenue coming in during corn and soybean years, the real question is whether these yield […]

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The Ontario Phosphorus and Potassium Database

corn field with blue sky in background

Did you know that a review of Ontario phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer guidelines was undertaken? The work looked at crop responses to P and K for corn, soybeans, winter wheat and alfalfa from 368 trials conducted over the last several decades. It compared most economic rates to current Ontario fertilizer guidelines as found […]

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2021 Drill Demo Results

Summary: A winter wheat research trial was initiated in the fall of 2020 looking at different drill technology, row width and starter fertilizer response. Six different drill and fertilizer combinations were assessed and replicated three times across the field for a total of 18 treatments. A 10” row Sunflower no-till drill, 7.5” row JD no-till […]

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Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Winter Wheat

Pre-harvest sprouting Pre-harvest sprouting is the initiation of grain germination prior to harvest (Figure 1). Why is that a bad thing? When sprouting occurs, alpha-amylase is produced which converts starch into sugars that fuel seedling growth. High alpha-amylase in the grain can have varying effects on the processing of wheat products. In high moisture, batter-based […]

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Growth Stage 30, PGR Timing and More

The field season is well underway with much of the nitrogen on winter wheat, spring cereals being seeded and herbicide, fungicide and plant growth regulator (PGR) applications planned for the coming weeks. And yes, it is only April 16th!  The early spring brought a lot of excitement to the wheat crop with the recent rains […]

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Snow Mould in Ontario Winter Wheat Fields

Winter wheat fields are experiencing snow mould in regions that had significant snow coverage and included but are not limited to Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth and Wellington counties. Those fields effected were generally planted early and had lots of top growth. There are also varietal differences with more susceptible varieties showing more severe symptoms. When […]

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