NEW LINK for the Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network!

The Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network (GLMPMN) website has been upgraded and has a new permanent link: Please bookmark this new link and use it going forward to enter any trap sites and trap data. The same link should work well for both desktop browsers and mobile devices. Everything is still the […]

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Lots of Insect Activity Still Out There

It’s been quite a week and it’s only Tuesday.  Many of you are calling about one of these pest issues so hopefully I can help answer all of your questions here. Grass Sawfly in Wheat:  Once you start to see sawfly feeding (see previous blog for pics and details) the feeding damage is nearly done.  […]

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Black Cutworm and Armyworm – Get Out and Scout!

Lots of reports are coming in of black cutworm and armyworm damage in Ontario. Black cutworm has been found feeding in numerous corn fields and even an alfalfa field.  Locations that I know of so far include fields near: Parkhill, Watford, Embro (alfalfa field), Renfrew County, and parts of West Elgin. True armyworm has also […]

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