Tank mixing urease and nitrification inhibitors in corn weed-and-feed applications

This article is based on work performed by Mike Schryver, BASF Technical Service Specialist. It was originally published at Sprayers101.com, and you may have been redirected here from that site. Introduction Nitrogen is an essential nutrient required throughout a plant’s lifecycle. It is commonly applied to corn in either a granular form as urea or […]

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Can I reduce greenhouse gas emissions in my corn crop and increase profitability?

There is a shared responsibility for balancing more sustainable cropping practices with profitability. We know that improving nitrogen (N) management is important for the environment and on-farm economics, and we have reviewed a number of studies to guide on-farm practices to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The simple answer Yes, you can significantly increase […]

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Crop Conditions – Week of April 20, 2023

A lot of manure application occurred during the warm weather late last week.

Weather  The weather late last week was unseasonably warm, with maximum temperatures exceeding 24˚C in most of the agricultural regions of the province. Crops already in the ground responded well to the heat and growth progressed quickly. With more typical single-digit temperatures this week, crop development is expected to slow, and staging should become more […]

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Taking a Manure Sample

It is difficult to manage what you don’t know. Sampling manure will provide information to help determine nutrient availability and determine where commercial fertilizer may or may not still be required. The link gives greater details about sampling and interpreting the results from manure samples. […]

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