Ridgetown-Simcoe Ag Breakfast Meeting Minutes– May 18, 2021

General Progress:  Corn planting is basically finished on the loamy soils and 60% completed on heavy clay soils.  Soybean planting is in full swing with lighter soils 75% completed and heavier soils 30-40% planted. About 160 CHU accumulation since May 1 in Ridgetown/Chatham area.  Conditions are dry, moisture would be welcome.  Soils worked before May […]

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Exeter and Mount Forest Breakfast Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2021

Cereals  Since our last meeting cereal growth has been slow in much of the area. From May 1st to today about 65-75 growing degree days have accumulated in the area.  Most of the wheat is still at GS 31 to GS 32 in with earlier planted fields approaching flag leaf and late planted fields still around GS 30. Very little progress on herbicide, fungicide and plant growth regulator […]

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Cobourg/Winchester Ag Breakfast Meeting – April 14, 2021

14 April 2021 at 8:00 AM  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, agribusiness breakfast meetings will be paired and held virtually by video conference on the Zoom platform again in 2021. The first Cobourg/Winchester virtual ag breakfast meeting was held April 14th. Future meetings will be at two-week intervals (Apr 28, May 12, 26, Jun 9, 23).  Weather Conditions  Spring […]

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Ridgetown-Simcoe AgriBusiness Breakfast Meeting Minutes – April 6, 2021

N application to wheat

April 6, 2021, 8:00 am   Due to COVID restrictions, ag breakfast meetings will be paired and held virtually by video conference on the Zoom platform again in 2021. The first 2021 Ridgetown-Simcoe virtual ag breakfast meeting was held April 6.   Supply Chain:  With repeating COVID lockdowns, retailers report that locations are generally closed to public. Despite restrictions, input companies and retailers expect no supply or logistic disruptions for crop inputs. Like 2020, seed and crop protectant products are being […]

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