Anticipated Soil Nitrogen Supply for 2024’s Corn Crop

Field corn at 3 leaf stage, growing despite wet conditions.

Summary: Background: Throughout the growing season, microbes within the soil break down organic nitrogen contained in soil organic matter and crop residues and release it as plant-available ammonium.  This process is known as nitrogen mineralization. Nitrogen mineralization is favoured by warm soil temperatures with adequate soil moisture and aeration.  Excess moisture can slow mineralization or […]

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Ontario Corn Nitrogen Calculator

The Ontario Corn Nitrogen Calculator can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on Simple Summary The Corn Nitrogen Calculator Ontario Corn Nitrogen recommendations are derived from the Ontario corn nitrogen database which contains over 40 years of Ontario corn nitrogen yield response data. Current recommendations were […]

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Agronomy Guide For Field Crops – Corn – Fertility – Nitrogen

Nitrogen (N) Corn responds well to nitrogen, so adequate availability of nitrogen is critical to profitable corn production. Excess nitrogen adds unnecessary expenses and increases the risk of nitrate movement to ground water, poorer quality of surface water and production of greenhouse gases through nitrous oxide emissions. Insufficient nitrogen leads to nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency […]

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Herbicides, Fungicides, Nitrogen and Sulphur – Prioritizing trips across your winter wheat fields this spring

Joanna Follings, Mike Cowbrough, Peter Sikkema, Dave Hooker and Peter Johnson Mother nature has finally awarded us with some sun and warmer temperatures which will hopefully get the remaining winter wheat stands off to the races.  However, as we get out into the fields some are questioning what to prioritize and what practices to avoid […]

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