Crop Report – June 16, 2021

Figure 2. Plants that are delayed in growth relative to their neighbours should also serve as red flags to dig and investigate.

Corn Stand Checkup Scouting corn between emergence and knee high provides a report card on seedbed preparation, planter operation and agronomic practices affecting early plant establishment and growth. Causes of issues can often be identified at this stage to make improvements for following years. Counting Plants For easy math, a common method of measuring population […]

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Crop Report – June 9, 2021

Figure 1. PLH feeding causes yellowing of leaf tips, called “hopperburn”, shown here in a new seeding of alfalfa. Photo credit: J. Lindeboom.

Corn Nitrogen Status Nitrogen mineralization is favoured by warm soil temperatures with adequate soil moisture and aeration. Excess moisture can slow mineralization or increase the potential for losses through denitrification (especially under warm conditions) or leaching. Spring of 2021 progressed similar to 2020. Sunshine and little rainfall resulted in great soil conditions through April and […]

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Pest Alert: Alfalfa Weevil and Leafhopper Numbers High

Alfalfa weevil and potato leafhopper (PLH) are being reported as extremely high in many fields.  Hot dry conditions have made it more favourable for these pests than their natural enemies (especially entomopathogenic fungi). Scout fields to determine if cutting is possible or if an insecticide application is necessary if thresholds are reached. Consider fields at […]

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Ridgetown-Simcoe Ag Breakfast Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2021

Overview:  Rainfall last week was welcomed across the region and relieved the anxiety for those with crops planted into dry soils and for growers waiting for some activation of soil applied herbicides. Crop heat unit accumulation since the beginning of May is about 425 CHU.  This is close to last year and long-term average, with cooler temperatures at the beginning of the month slowing a trend from April […]

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Crop Report – June 2, 2021

Figure 2. Land Rolling to conserve moisture.

Soybean Update                 The majority of the soybean crop was planted by May 20th. Although plant stands have generally been good, there are fields with poor emergence. Poor soybean stands can be caused by various issues such as insect or slug feeding, but this year the main problem […]

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