Crop Report – April 22, 2021

Figure 1. April 21, 2021: Snow on alfalfa established in 2020

Growing Conditions Temperatures have been warmer than average since early March, which has advanced crop development faster than normal. Forecasts predict a few days of cold weather (Figure 1.), snow and frost, followed by more normal temperatures for this time of year.                         Dry field conditions have been excellent […]

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Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables for April 2021

The Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables have been updated for April 2021. English:  Canadian Bt Corn Trait Table for April 2021  French: Maïs Bt disponibles au Canada (Avril 2021) For information on which hybrids or products have obtained EU approval, visit the Canadian Seed Trade Association’s corn hybrid database at: Pour plus d’informations sur les hybrides […]

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Agronomy Guide For Field Crops – Corn – Fertility – Nitrogen

Nitrogen (N) Corn responds well to nitrogen, so adequate availability of nitrogen is critical to profitable corn production. Excess nitrogen adds unnecessary expenses and increases the risk of nitrate movement to ground water, poorer quality of surface water and production of greenhouse gases through nitrous oxide emissions. Insufficient nitrogen leads to nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen deficiency […]

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Growth Stage 30, PGR Timing and More

The field season is well underway with much of the nitrogen on winter wheat, spring cereals being seeded and herbicide, fungicide and plant growth regulator (PGR) applications planned for the coming weeks. And yes, it is only April 16th!  The early spring brought a lot of excitement to the wheat crop with the recent rains […]

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Cobourg/Winchester Ag Breakfast Meeting – April 14, 2021

14 April 2021 at 8:00 AM  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, agribusiness breakfast meetings will be paired and held virtually by video conference on the Zoom platform again in 2021. The first Cobourg/Winchester virtual ag breakfast meeting was held April 14th. Future meetings will be at two-week intervals (Apr 28, May 12, 26, Jun 9, 23).  Weather Conditions  Spring […]

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Agronomy Guide For Field Crops – Corn – Emergence and Spacing Uniformity, Replant Decisions


Uniformity of Emergence Uniform seeding depth is a critical factor in achieving uniform emergence. Uneven emergence affects crop performance, because competition from larger, early-emerging plants reduces the yield potential of smaller, later-emerging plants. Yields can be reduced by 5% when half the stand suffers from a 7-day delay in emergence and by 12% when half […]

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Ridgetown-Simcoe AgriBusiness Breakfast Meeting Minutes – April 6, 2021

N application to wheat

April 6, 2021, 8:00 am   Due to COVID restrictions, ag breakfast meetings will be paired and held virtually by video conference on the Zoom platform again in 2021. The first 2021 Ridgetown-Simcoe virtual ag breakfast meeting was held April 6.   Supply Chain:  With repeating COVID lockdowns, retailers report that locations are generally closed to public. Despite restrictions, input companies and retailers expect no supply or logistic disruptions for crop inputs. Like 2020, seed and crop protectant products are being […]

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To plant green or to plant brown? Rye cover crop termination timing before soybeans (summary of 2017-2020 data)

Figure 1. Rye seeded after corn silage

Jake Munroe, Mike Cowbrough and Sebastian Belliard (OMAFRA) Cereal rye (Secale cereal) has several strengths as a cover crop option. It’s relatively inexpensive and easy to kill. Rye improves soil structure, builds organic matter and helps protect against water and wind erosion. It can suppress weeds as discussed here (see Figure 1). It’s also very […]

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