AgriSuite Field Management Calculator

AgriSuite is an interactive online collection of management tools and calculators, developed by OMAFRA that you can access from your desktop or mobile device. AgriSuite assists you with key crop fertilization management decisions and how they relate to optimizing crop production and protecting the environment. AgriSuite: The Field Management Calculator helps with nutrient balancing to […]

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Fall Frost Risks and Management Options for Corn

With the first usher of cool fall weather this past week, there were frost warnings for parts of Northern Ontario. With the introduction of increasingly shorter maturity corn hybrids, there has been more corn grown in shorter season areas than what has been typical in the past, and also growers who may have recently started […]

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Phosphorus is an essential element for plant and animal growth and is necessary to maintain profitable crop and livestock production. Balancing your crop’s fertility needs is complex.  Let AgriSuite help you make decisions. The Phosphorus Loss Assessment tool for Ontario (PLATO) is new to AgriSuite.  The PLATO calculator helps determine the risk of field scale […]

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AgriSuite: Organic Amendment Calculator

      Balancing your crop’s fertility needs is complex. Let AgriSuite help you make decisions.  Applying nutrients to economically meet crop needs can be challenging, especially when manure or other organic amendments make up a portion of those nutrients. Since nutrients from organic sources don’t come in pre-determined blends, this calculator takes sample analysis […]

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August 2020 Forage Report

Photo: Many winter wheat fields were planted to an annual forage crop after harvest this year. Premiums for summer-seeded New Forage Seeding insurance are due to Agricorp September 15. Silage corn growers should check fields for rootworm resistance to Bt hybrids Scouting for corn rootworm injury in silage fields is important to detect potential resistance […]

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Calibration of a Rising Plate Meter: Measuring the Amount of Available Feed in your Pasture

This post was written by Jessica Brasier, OMAFRA summer student. Jessica works under the supervision of Christine O’Reilly (Forage and Grazing Specialist) and James Byrne (Beef Cattle Specialist). Grazing pasture is a great way to save on feed costs and utilize marginal land. To maximize the profitability of a pasture, a producer can use different […]

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OMAFRA Field Crop Report – August 27, 2020

Figure 1: Root injury from corn rootworm larval feeding. Jocelyn Smith, UGRC.

High corn rootworm (CRW) pressure in 2020 is challenging current Bt rootworm hybrids and several Ontario growers have reported unexpected injury by CRW. This indicates that possible cross resistance has occurred, where even pyramid hybrids with multiple rootworm traits are impacted. Currently, we know that several fields with injury in Huron, Perth and Durham Counties […]

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