Field Crop Report – May 4th, 2016

Cereals: Cool weather over the last two weeks has kept disease levels low. Lush spring growth and forecasted temperatures are expected to increase disease development. Difference in planting date have resulted in varied growth stages and level of canopy closure, so scouting to appropriately time pest management activities is critical (Figure 1.) Weeds are now the […]

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Winter Wheat: The majority of winter wheat has received nitrogen (N) applications. Farmers are including sulphur with the N  application, because of lower atmospheric deposition of sulphur across the province in recent years. Much of the winter wheat across the province is at high risk for lodging because of high tiller densities.  At this stage, lodging […]

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ON Forage Report – June 25, 2015

Wet, rainy weather has continued since June 6th in most parts of the province, making haying a challenge. Considerable amounts of quality haylage and baleage have been made before the rains and in between showers. However, to date only small amounts of quality dry hay have been made. Yields reported have been quite variable, with […]

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Forage Report – June 18, 2015

  Heavy rains and wet soils since June 6th have delayed haying operations. Considerable amounts of quality haylage and baleage were made, but the weather must clear before much haying can resume. Initial yield reports were quite variable, with some very disappointing yields being reported in western and central Ontario (60 – 100% of normal). […]

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Forage Report – June 11, 2015

With recent storms and heavy rains this week, haying has been placed on hold. Yields are quite variable, with some very disappointing yields being reported in western and central Ontario (60 – 100% of normal). Yields are closer to normal (85- 100%) in eastern Ontario. Dry weather in late-April and May limited forage growth and yield […]

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ON Forage Report – June 3, 2015

First-cut dairy haylage is in full swing as the weather permits. Some farms are finished. The dry spring weather limited forage growth in some areas, particularly grassier fields, forage winter cereals, ryegrass, and alfalfa fields that were older, winter injured or fall harvested. Where severe frost occured on May 23rd, some alfalfa growth and development […]

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