Cobourg + Winchester Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting – June 24, 2020

This was the last spring breakfast meeting for the Cobourg + Winchester calls. A season recap call will be planned for late November or early December. Thank you to everyone who participated in these virtual meetings this spring. If you have any feedback, please contact Sebastian Belliard (, Ian McDonald (, or Christine O’Reilly (   Weather  Rainfall has been […]

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Erosion Assessment Goes Geospatial

While managing soil microbes might be the newest frontier to improving soil health, one thing has not changed: you cannot improve soil you no longer have! Minimizing erosion is the first step in a soil health management plan. The old adage says: “you can only manage what you measure”, but actually measuring soil erosion is very complicated, even for experts in this field. There’s no need to measure Cesium isotopes along that slope in your field. What needs to be managed is the risk of erosion. […]

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Introducing PLATO, the Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool for Ontario

rill erosion on a steeply sloped field

Keeping soil covered and minimizing erosion is a key principle of soil health. Maximizing the efficiency of crop nutrient uptake and minimizing losses are the foundation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship. When combined, these principles form the basis of a new online tool from OMAFRA called PLATO (Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool for Ontario). PLATO is a calculator that you can use to estimate the risk of phosphorus loss on your farm. It’s part of the newly re-vamped AgriSuite and uses your specific soil, crop and nutrient application information to provide a risk rating and options to improve your score. […]

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Ridgetown-Simcoe Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting Minutes – June 16, 2020

“Initial planting in corn field which had been partially replanted due to poor and variable emergence.”

Approximately 52 people attended the 6th Ridgetown-Simcoe Breakfast Meeting. This was officially the last call for these regions this spring, though there was interest in continuing on for at least one more call – stay tuned for details. Overall, discussion focused on good looking wheat, tough-looking corn, herbicide injury concerns in soybeans and edible beans […]

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Cobourg + Winchester Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting – June 10, 2020

Weather Conditions The last two weeks have been dry, although some areas received rainfall and/or thunderstorms. Frost damage has affected some corn and soybean stands, particularly on muck soils in Renfrew and Glengarry. There have been isolated reports of hail damage around St. Isidore and on Wolfe Island. Forages First cut is underway across the […]

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