Northern AgriBusiness Breakfast Meeting – April 22, 2020

Synopsis AgriBusiness Breakfast Meetings have been held across southern and eastern Ontario for many years, and the virtual platform being used this year inspired the organization of a Northern AgriBusiness Breakfast Meeting. Representatives called in from Rainy River, Thunder Bay, Algoma, Manitoulin, Greater Sudbury, Nipissing, Temiskaming and Cochrane districts. This meeting summary includes crop-specific notes, […]

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Spring Scouting of Alfalfa

alfalfa stem with frost-damaged leaf margins

Photo: Scouting a few days after a spring frost is a good way to assess the severity of any damage. Good agronomy is very important for achieving good yield and quality in forage crops. While good agronomy includes a fertility plan, seeding techniques, and harvest management, it also relies on proactive decision-making. The only way […]

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Cobourg + Winchester Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting – April 15, 2020

April 15th, 2020 Overall conditions This spring is starting out with generally favourable weather, particularly when compared with last year. The winter months were also less harsh, resulting in fewer issues with winterkill in forages and winter cereals. Heavy rains and subsequent cold temperatures in the last few weeks have resulted in some kill in […]

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