Ridgetown Ag Breakfast Meeting May 7, 2013

Synopsis:  Tremendous activity on the lighter textured soils (south of Hwy 401) with 80% corn planted on lighter soils. Planting on clay soils is just starting.  Just a few soybeans planted but many growers gearing up if weather allows. Manganese and sulphur deficiencies are evident in the wheat crop. Advanced wheat is at flag leaf […]

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Synopsis: Most nitrogen has now been applied to wheat. Many abandoned plans for split application.  Corn planting ranges from 10% – 50% complete.  Availability of rental fertilizer spreaders, custom application and accessing of UAN are creating bottlenecks.  Growers are beginning to use packers/rollers due to dry soil conditions. Cereals:  Much of the winter wheat is now in […]

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Exeter Ag Breakfast Meeting (April 15)

Synopsis: Much of the nitrogen on wheat has been applied further south (Essex) but progress has been spotty in this area.  Much of the wheat further north has received no nitrogen yet which will probably mean that only one application of N will occur. (no split application) Overall the wheat looks good and Agricorp has received few calls on damage so far.  There are […]

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Soybean Report – July 11, 2012

Soybean growth has been slow in those areas that missed the rains.  Fields are now at the R2 (full flower) growth stage.  Those areas that received adequate moisture are progressing well and are entering R3 (beginning pod).  Soybeans flower over an extended period of time so areas that have been negatively impacted from the lack […]

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