Crop Report – August 18, 2021

Figure 3. SDS leaf symptoms (left) and stem (right)

Tar spot in corn was first identified last year in Ontario on September 21, 2020 and confirmed to overwinter in Ontario on July 2, 2021 in West Elgin. Since then, tar spot has been also detected in Essex, Chatham-Kent, Lambton, Middlesex and Norfolk counties as of July 18, 2021 (Figure 1). This was anticipated since […]

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Crop Report – August 11, 2021

Figure 3. Soil failure pattern created by a winged tine. Note the vertical fissures. (From Godwin and Spoor, 2015, after Spoor, 2006)

Successful Subsoiling?               In many fields, the month of August means the end of cereal harvest and the beginning of a window of opportunity. In many ways, this is the best time of the season for soil improvements beyond what small grains already provide. Applying manure, seeding cover crops, […]

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Crop Report – August 4, 2021

Figure 3. Viable seed produced by purple-top turnip that survived burndown prior to corn planting in 2021.

Cover Crops for Weed Management It’s the time of year when Ontario farmers are turning their attention to seeding cover crops following cereal harvest. Each grower has their own reasons for growing a cover crop – whether it’s to improve organic matter, hold onto nutrients from manure, provide a nitrogen credit or protect against erosion. […]

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Crop Report – July 21, 2021

Figure 1. Manure applied 1 week ahead of cover crop seeding - growth 3 weeks after seeding.

Revitalizing Soil with Manure and Cover Crops After Wheat Harvest Wheat in a crop rotation provides many benefits, including spreading weather risks that can impact yields and balancing workload more evenly between planting and harvest season. Wheat also provides the opportunity to revitalize the soil; to disrupt pest cycles; alleviate compaction and increase subsequent corn […]

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Crop Report – July 14, 2021

There are mixed reports on the health of dry beans in Ontario this season. While many fields look good, rains following the initially dry conditions at planting have increased the incidence of root rots as well as the risk of white mould.   Root Rot In Ontario, the four main fungal pathogens causing root rot […]

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Crop Report – July 7, 2021

Figure 2. 7.5” rows are recommended for double cropping to ensure fast canopy closure.

Are Double Crop Soybeans Following Wheat Harvest in Your Plans? The unprecedented price of soybeans has fueled considerable interest in double cropping soybeans. As winter wheat comes off there are a number of factors that should be considered. Since half the growing season is over by mid-July double cropping soybeans in Ontario is risky and not covered by crop insurance. Double cropping […]

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Crop Report – June 23, 2021

Figure 2. Thrips feed on individual plant cells leaving scars along the leaf veins. (Photo credit: Robert Moloney, Boyd’s Farm Supply)

It is proving to be another good insect year with several early season pests keeping everyone busy scouting to stay ahead of. Going into July and August, there are a few more pests that we need to keep watch for. Thrips continue to be spotted in soybeans, corn and wheat fields. There are several different […]

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Crop Report – June 16, 2021

Figure 2. Plants that are delayed in growth relative to their neighbours should also serve as red flags to dig and investigate.

Corn Stand Checkup Scouting corn between emergence and knee high provides a report card on seedbed preparation, planter operation and agronomic practices affecting early plant establishment and growth. Causes of issues can often be identified at this stage to make improvements for following years. Counting Plants For easy math, a common method of measuring population […]

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Crop Report – June 9, 2021

Figure 1. PLH feeding causes yellowing of leaf tips, called “hopperburn”, shown here in a new seeding of alfalfa. Photo credit: J. Lindeboom.

Corn Nitrogen Status Nitrogen mineralization is favoured by warm soil temperatures with adequate soil moisture and aeration. Excess moisture can slow mineralization or increase the potential for losses through denitrification (especially under warm conditions) or leaching. Spring of 2021 progressed similar to 2020. Sunshine and little rainfall resulted in great soil conditions through April and […]

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Crop Report – June 2, 2021

Figure 2. Land Rolling to conserve moisture.

Soybean Update                 The majority of the soybean crop was planted by May 20th. Although plant stands have generally been good, there are fields with poor emergence. Poor soybean stands can be caused by various issues such as insect or slug feeding, but this year the main problem […]

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