Crop Report – May 26, 2021

Figure 1. Cereal rye left as over-winter cover crop is being harvested as high quality ryelage and will be followed with a crop of corn or soybeans immediately after harvest.

Conditions Some thunderstorms through Essex provided some moisture, but most areas of the province received less than 5 mm over the long weekend and conditions throughout the province remain dry. Temperatures have transitioned from colder than normal to summer-like, and double-digit night-time temperatures have helped newly planted crops to emerge quickly. Cereals Early planted wheat […]

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Crop Report – May 19, 2021

Figure 2. Land rolling can increase the risk of soil degradation in some conditions

Conditions Current weather patterns are generally expected to hold for the next week or so. This will allow for planting of corn and soybeans to be mostly complete by the last week of May, though many fields and farms will appreciate some rain soon, particularly in the far southwest (Figure 1). Significant precipitation is possible […]

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Crop Report – May 5, 2021

Figure 3. Canola in flower

Winter wheat Winter wheat fields in general continue to be exceptional across the province despite temperature fluctuations. Continued cool weather the past week has resulted in some frost injury, but it is not expected to have any yield impact. In southern counties, early planted wheat is approaching the flag leaf stage. Later planted fields are […]

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Crop Report – April 22, 2021

Figure 1. April 21, 2021: Snow on alfalfa established in 2020

Growing Conditions Temperatures have been warmer than average since early March, which has advanced crop development faster than normal. Forecasts predict a few days of cold weather (Figure 1.), snow and frost, followed by more normal temperatures for this time of year.                         Dry field conditions have been excellent […]

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2020 Forage Seasonal Summary

Figure 1. Alfalfa Snout beetle damage

2019/2020 Winter Conditions Much of the province had a mild winter, with average amounts of precipitation. Areas of Chatham-Kent, Lambton, Huron, Grey, Bruce, Timiskaming, Cochrane, Rainy River, and Kenora received below-average winter precipitation. Forages broke dormancy early in much of the province, with green-up starting in mid-March in the southwest. Overall, reports of winterkill were […]

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OMAFRA Field Crop Report – August 27, 2020

Figure 1: Root injury from corn rootworm larval feeding. Jocelyn Smith, UGRC.

High corn rootworm (CRW) pressure in 2020 is challenging current Bt rootworm hybrids and several Ontario growers have reported unexpected injury by CRW. This indicates that possible cross resistance has occurred, where even pyramid hybrids with multiple rootworm traits are impacted. Currently, we know that several fields with injury in Huron, Perth and Durham Counties […]

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